Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Getting Well Cards Cancer

The train moves back from Nuremberg to Ansbach ...

... and even since yesterday! Yesterday I was still not eligible to drive again and train so I am standing for the first time back at the station.

they have become ready in Roßtal foot bridges of course not. Both directions are blocked in part, the bicycle park and ride for example, must still be increased. It remains to be seen how long the whole thing will take time. Ramblings

is yes still not served by train, as does also the current station in Ramblings from - no man's land. And since not even Ramblings has a station, it is what it always was - even more - a cow town! Frankly, I found

bus ride nice, comfortable and refreshing. Let's see know what the S-Bahn is (from December?)


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